
Busy moms, life in general

Language Explosion and Losing Teeth

on September 17, 2012

So my 2 year old suddenly started to speak more! YAY! She is saying a few 2 word phrases, usually telling someone to EAT. Ex. “Baby. EAT. Diddy (Kitty) EAT! Woof-woof (Dog) EAT!” Her other 2 word phrase was “Owie. Elbow” I am encouraging her speech, reading to her even more and over-enunciating words to help her learn new ones. Her favorite combo last week was  “Diddy. BUM!” followed by raucous laughter. She thinks she’s the funniest thing in town and some days, I have to agree.

Meanwhile, big brother lost his first 2 teeth, in one day! The school nurse pulled the first one after he was sent there bleeding from the mouth. The next one I pulled when he arrived at home. The tooth fairy was a busy lady that night! I have been informed that I am his love bug and he is going to marry me, despite my insistence that that is against the law and would make Daddy very sad (and creep Mommy out!) he insists it is so. He also has a 5th grade girlfriend (a friend of his older sister) who doesn’t actually know she’s his girlfriend. He has been kissing 3rd, 4th and 5th graders on the bus, which I’ve had to tell him is not okay. He’s a little Casanova! The neighbor downstairs (in 3rd  or 4th) he told “I’m in Wove (love)!” and hugged her and attempted to kiss her. She complained to me one day about his advances on the bus which is when I had to have the no forcing yourself on women speech (I hope we don’t have a future stalker on our hands!).

After a week of migraines where the 2 year old got way more TV than the norm, I sat the kids down last night and re-instituted the TV limits rule and added a no screen time 1 hour prior to bed rule. This time is to be used to get ready for bed, relax and read. I am hoping it will make a smooth transition to bed time. Wish me luck as my lax attitude the past few weeks about TV has become a habit with these kids.

Fall is in the air here in the Northeast and we got to go apple picking yesterday. It is by far one of my favorite fall activities and it signals fall baking! I have been baking a lot these past few weeks, but it will pick up. I will make 2 apple pies, apple crisp and my apple coffee cake. Mmmmm! Looking forward to Friday where I will have coffee with a friend and partake in said coffee cake with some coffee and fellowship! 🙂

Til next time!

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